Saturday, March 31, 2007

Week 9, Thing 20

YouTube. My first thoughts when I was viewing it right now were "this is entertaining" and "are there copyright issues to be concerned about". Then I thought, how could this be applied to libraries? Maybe we could have a page with a variety of links that provide directions to the restrooms or the copier from each workstation or service point in the library. We can suggest people go to the YouTube for directions to the restrooms. We just need some short video clips to provide that useful information. Or maybe even kiosks at various locations throughout the library. There would be buttons to select "directions to restroom", " directions to copier" etc. The user would select a button and the video will display with the directions.

I guess in reality instructional information videos could be made available through YouTube. The library could have their own page(s) in Youtube with all sorts of informational videos. Throw in a few comedy shorts to keep users entertained.

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